Implementation of the Quantitative Analysis Technique to evaluate cloud-based Enterprise Architectures through the Archi tool

Franco Gil 1

 1  University of Carabobo | Experimental Faculty of Science and Technology


Enterprise Architectures (EA) expose a coherent set of methods and models that can be used in the design and realization of the structure and components of an organization, establishing a relationship between its processes, software systems and technologies used in its implementation. In terms of Enterprise Architecture frameworks, ArchiMate stands out, whose layered structure is based on services, with different knowledge domains and applicable relationships between them, using a standard notation and an open source tool such as Archi. Such AE can be efficiently evaluated with the quantitative analysis method, which allows calculating performance measures through architectural models based on services and thus responding to the uncertainties motivated by the observability of a technology product, based on pre-established rules. This research extends this analysis by adding quantitative values referring to computational workloads of applications in productive environments using cloud technology service providers. The result of this research is the implementation of a Quantitative Analysis method to evaluate AE based on cloud services using the Archi tool, allowing to contrast different simulations of AE, in real workload and utilization environments. In this TEG the action research methodology is used as a research methodology and XP as a software development methodology.


Bsc. Thesis

Implementation of the Quantitative Analysis Technique to evaluate cloud-based Enterprise Architectures through the Archi tool
Franco Gil
February 3rd, 2023



